
Participate in the LUG and gain multiple benefits.

Solve problems through interaction with knowledgeable IBM i users and developers

Exchange ideas with other IBM i users

Work directly with the IBM development team

Meet the IBM executive team responsible for IBM i

Arrange face-to-face meetings with advocates, development leaders, management and executives

Member web site

The LUG member web site adds to the benefits of membership.

Participate in active discussion threads where you can receive answers to questions directly from others like yourself, or from the IBM development team

Create and comment on requirements for improvements to IBM i and related products

Learn about future topics and activities of the next LUG meeting

See presentations from prior meetings

Find contact information for other LUG members and the IBM team

Conference calls to exchange ideas on important issues that cannot wait for the next scheduled meeting

Examples of past calls are product previews, descriptions of proposed enhancements, or updates on questions raised at regular LUG meetings