Application Guidelines
The LUG Board uses the following guidelines when reviewing applications:
- Number of IBM i licenses – Current minimums to qualify are:
30 IBM i licenses on not more than 3 POWER Enterprise servers
60 IBM i licenses on at least 12 POWER Scale-out servers - A significant number of partitions and servers are being managed
- High Availability and Disaster Recovery infrastructure is in place
- Adoption of newer technologies is evident
- Mutual benefit will be received by both the prospective member and the LUG
Qualifying systems must support corporate business functions. Employees of the company must manage the qualifying high-end systems. Only employees of member companies and IBM may participate in LUG activities.
Each LUG member company contributes $2,500 dues annually to support the organization.
Continued membership is contingent on active participation in LUG activities, including regular attendance at meetings. Member companies headquartered in the United States (US) must attend at least two meetings per year. Companies headquartered outside the US must attend at least one meeting per year.
Request a Company Application
Complete and submit the form to receive a Company (not a userid) LUG Membership Application.
***DO NOT use this for requesting a new LUG User ID. Please message your Primary LUG Contact.**
"*" indicates required fields
More information about joining LUG
The LUG currently has a few memberships available. Applications are considered in the order they are received by the LUG board. You are invited to submit an application.
The LUG executive board and current members will evaluate a prospective member company. The LUG executive board makes the final decision on new LUG member companies.
Membership requires a LUG specific non-disclosure agreement between IBM and the member company that is specific to LUG participation. IBM may disclose information about plans and strategies as part of LUG activities. Member companies do not divulge any confidential information as part of LUG membership.
The LUG is organized, incorporated, and run by members for the common benefit of LUG members and IBM. The LUG is not an IBM organization. The LUG, not IBM, decides who joins the LUG.
The LUG board reserves the right to limit the number of members in the organization.
All membership applications must be received at least six weeks prior to a meeting to be eligible to attend the meeting